edited out: the other 25% depends on what comes next .
For those who have read the whole transcript [now most conveniently done here, one of the amazing things is how much Joe Volpe had gotten under Grewal's skin. Grewal was angry about Volpe's criticisms of his scheme to set up an independent bonding scheme for visitors' visas and vented at length about Volpe during the discussion.
One of the sticking points in the negotation was how Volpe should be handled. Grewal insisted that Volpe apologize as a way to 'open the door' for further negotiations.
Towards the end of the Volpe discussion on p. 11 of the June 5 transcript are these comments:

From this point on, the discussion moves increasingly towards what Grewal wants to get for crossing the floor. The yellow, as you'll recall, hilights words that had been edited out of the tampered tapes. These lines were deleted, one can only assume, because they show Grewal asking for the appointments that he tried to claim that the Liberals had been offering him.
[rewritten and reposted]
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