Welcome to Buckets of Grewal
This blog discusses the controversies surrounding Gurmant Grewal, a former Conservative MP from Surrey BC. The most notorious of these involved his negotiations to defect to the Liberals, the recordings of those negotiations, and the editing and release of those recordings. But these not Grewal's only brush with controversy. Indeed, there is not one Grewal affair, but about a dozen (see here for a running list of his various controversies).
Where should you start? My best work is on the Grewal Tapes. The first 'full' set of tapes that the Conservatives released (the May 31st tapes) are the most heavily edited, and you can see them here here, clicking through to the slide show, where you can see for yourself how much was cut. (For a much improved version of the slideshow, see Political Commentary from 21 Fathoms; if you prefer to scroll through and read the text, you might see Bear's transcript more convenient transcript here.) Then go read Steven Maher's editorial (quoted here), the analysis of which is spot-on. After that, you might try elements of the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Then just wander around. (There's lots to see.)
If you have a tip or heads-up, or if you've written something relevant at your own blog that you'd like me to link to, email me at bucketsofgrewal@mac.com (please put 'Grewal' in the subject'). For my thoughts about other matters, see my other blog Bouquets of Gray.
Comments. I use blogger's 'moderate' function, which means it may take a day or so for comments to be approved. As far as moderation goes, I am selective in what is allowed. Honest disagreement is fine, when expressed respectfully and concisely. Comments that are off-topic, irrelevant, or unreasonably disputatious will be rejected, as will those that seem not to have read the post in question. Engaging in ad hominem attacks or general trollishness is not allowed; nor is name-calling, eye-gouging, or hair-pulling. Overly lengthy comments are unwelcome--it is better to make your argument in your own blog and link to it in your comments. And 'cut-and-paste' from other sites is frowned upon. Again, link and summarize. Generally speaking, opinions submitted by those without active blogs will have a harder time making the cut. If you don't like this, feel free to denounce me, elsewhere.
Copyright notice. I put all my posts about Grewal, together with any creative work involved in the slide show, into the public domain. Please free feel to use them in whatever way is appropriate. I only ask that you acknowledge this site as your source.